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Martin Lee Co-Founder Project CBD | The Essential Guide to CBD by Editors of Reader's Digest & Project CBD
Join me on Episode 15 when I get to catch up with Martin Lee : Co-Founder & Director of Project CBD. I had the honor of working with Martin in 2017 and always enjoyed our conversations and captivated whenever I heard him speak. His team at Project CBD collaborated with Reader's Digest to write "The Essential Guide to CBD: Everything You Need to Know About What It Helps, Where to Buy, And How to Take It" available now!
Martin Lee is a wealth of knowledge and a master wordsmith in his books:
1985 – Acid Dreams: The CIA, LSD, and the Sixties Rebellion
1990 – Unreliable Sources: A Guide to Detecting Bias in News Media
1997 – The Beast Reawakens: Fascism's Resurgence
2012 – Smoke Signals: A Social History of Marijuana – Medical, Recreational, and Scientific
His journey led him to co-creating Project CBD in 2009 with fellow journalists who had been covering the medical marijuana story—the science, the movement and the industry. They felt that the reintroduction of CBD-rich cannabis into the grassroots supply merited special attention. The serendipitous reappearance of whole plant CBD in Northern California in 2009 has given doctors and patients a unique opportunity to evaluate the effects of cannabidiol. Project CBD updates doctors and patients on developments in cannabis science, therapeutics and political economy.
Community building botanical
Bottom line CBD helps people, but not intrinsically psychoactive,
Plays a role in the drug addiction, accelerated because of help with addiction.
Bring people into the fold because of cbd rich,
Community building factor of cannabis, protect from big business,
2013 Dr. Sanjay Gupta can world found out they didn’t have to smoke or get high.
2009 Project CBD started giving thousands of clones, then shifted to what products should be made with cbd, 2017/2018 farm bill. Unregulated, hemp, cbd is responsible for making that happen.
CBD raises levels of endogenies cannabinoids, help with endogenous cannabinoid tone, that they last longer hang around longer, and do their thing longer, maintain homeostasis, scientific consensus their is a dissfunction in ECS, modulating the ECS
Type 1 High THC:LOW CBD
Type 2 Balanced 1:1 THC:CBD
Type 3 High CBD: LOW THC
Harlequin first released wade laughter, squat indica, pink and purple, effective cbd plant type 2
Womans collective stinky purple: wasn’t a type 2, measure 10:1 cbd:thc